Nutrition Half And Half

Nutrition Half And Half Health Facts

A mixture of half whole milk and half cream is called half and half. Most supermarkets carry the Nutrition Half and Half in cartons under the dairy area.

Nutrition Half And Half

Half and half is most commonly used in coffee, although it can also be used in baking, thickening sauces, and making ice cream. While half and half have a lot of nutrients, it also has a lot of calories and saturated fat. 

What Is the Taste of Nutrition Half and Half?

Because it contains whole milk, half and half is smooth, creamy, and less rich than cream. Below are some of the characteristics and tastes of the Nutrition Half And Half Health 


One of the five primary tastes is sweet. Its flavor profile is round and silky with pleasant overtones. Many foods, such as fruits, berries, winter squashes, sugarcane, and honey, naturally include the flavor “sweet.”

These meals taste sweeter because they contain more sugar. Desserts are known for their sweetness, which is also an accent of savory food.


Some of the ingredients included in the Nutrition Half And Half are listed below.


Almost always, cows are the source of milk. Water buffalo, yak, sheep, and goat milk are occasionally used. Unless otherwise noted, store-bought milk is typically produced by cows.

With a larger fat content than skim milk, whole milk has a creamier, richer texture and flavor. It is also white, or cream-colored.

Because of its creaminess, the flavor is particularly delicious despite being light and bland with a tinge of salty sweetness. In addition to being served as a beverage, milk is a staple in many savory and sweet recipes.


Milk fat is what is referred to as cream. Although cream can be produced by other milking animals as well, cows are the most prevalent source of it.

The tint of the cream can range from off white to light golden. The texture is smooth and can be thin, as in store-bought whipped cream cartons, or thick, like a high-fat yogurt. It has a subtle, buttery, milky flavor.

Cream is a staple in many baked products, curries, scones, tea, and coffee flavors, among many other foods and recipes.

Nutrients in the Nutrition Half and Half 

There are some vital nutrients in the Nutrition Half and Half and it will be discussed briefly here.


There are 28 grams of fat, 17 of which are saturated fats, in one cup of half-and-half. It has 7 g of protein and 10 g of carbs. The standard quantity of fat added to a cup of coffee is one tablespoon (tbsp), which contains one gram of saturated fat. It has no protein and only 1 gram of carbs.

Minerals and Vitamins

A quarter of the recommended daily amount of calcium is provided by half and half. Based on a 2,000-calorie diet, a cup also offers 1 percent of the RDA for iron, 4 percent of the RDA for vitamin C, and 17 percent of the RDA for vitamin A. 

The remaining nutrients in half and half consist of 21% of the recommended daily allowance for riboflavin, 13% for vitamin B12, 4% for vitamins E and K, 5% for vitamin B6, 6% for thiamin and magnesium, 7% for pantothenic acid, 9% for potassium, 8% for zinc, and 6% for selenium. There are 89.5 mg of cholesterol in a cup of half-and-half.

Similarities to Milk

A cup of half and half has 315 calories or 20 calories per tablespoon. In contrast, a cup of whole milk contains 146 calories or 9 calories per tablespoon. 

Eight g of fat—five g of which are saturated—and eight g of protein make up whole milk. Selecting nonfat milk, which has 83 calories per cup and no fat, or 1% low-fat milk, which has 102 calories per cup and 2 g of fat, will help you cut calories and fat even more. Thirty percent of the RDA for calcium is found in a cup of milk.

Fat-Free Selection

There are producers who produce a half-and-half without fat. Its components include thickener carrageenan, corn syrup, and nonfat milk.

A tiny quantity of heavy cream is also present in the product. It has about 9 calories per tablespoon or 136 calories per cup.

Fat-free half-and-half can be used in cooked custards, chocolate sauces, buttercream icing, fast pieces of bread and muffins, soups, gravies, and ice cream recipes that call for eggs or another fat. You can also use fat-free half-and-half in your coffee.

Points to Take

You can replace a recipe for one cup of half-and-half with ¾ cup of whole milk and ¼ cup of heavy whipping cream. An alternative would be to use one tablespoon of melted butter and one cup of full milk.

A tablespoon of half-and-half (20 calories) won’t make a big difference in your daily calorie consumption, but if you’re watching your weight, you might want to consider switching to milk.

Measure your half-and-half portions, at the very least, to make sure you aren’t consuming more than you realize and consuming a significant amount of extra fat, cholesterol, and calories.

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