Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries

Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries: Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Blueberries are a nutritious food that is rich in manganese, vitamins C and K1, and other advantageous plant chemicals. Consuming Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries frequently may benefit blood sugar levels, heart health, and brain function.

Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries

Native to North America, blueberries are a delicious and widely consumed berry that are farmed commercially throughout the Americas and Europe (1).

They may help control blood sugar levels, support heart and brain health, and are very low in calories.

Blueberries, which are frequently promoted as a superfood, are a great source of antioxidants, useful plant components, and many vitamins.

This article examines the nutritional value and health advantages of blueberries.

What Are Blueberries?

Blueberries share a close kinship with cranberries, bilberries, and huckleberries as members of the heather family (Vaccinium spp.).

The color of these tiny, round berries can vary from blue to purple, and they have a diameter of roughly 0.2–0.6 inches (5–16 mm).

Because blueberries are a diverse berry, there are subtle variations in their look. Highbush blueberries and lowbush blueberries are the two most popular types.

Nutrition Facts of the Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries

42 calories, 0.55g protein, 0.24g fat, 10.72g carbs, 1.80g fiber, and 7.37g sugar are included in a Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries.

Numerous vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, folate, vitamin A, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium, are present in blueberries.

Because blueberries are high in phytonutrients, particularly anthocyanin, which gives them their characteristic blue skin, they are well known for their antioxidant qualities. They may therefore aid in the neurological system’s support and provide advantages in the prevention of sickness.

A very sweet flavor characterizes blueberries. Although frozen or juiced, they are often consumed fresh. They make excellent flavorings and can be added to a wide range of baked foods, jams, and jellies.”

Vitamins and Minerals

Numerous vitamins and minerals, such as the following, are abundant in Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries:

  • K-1 vitamin. Phylloquinone is another name for this vitamin. Although it may help with bone health, vitamin K1 is mostly involved in blood coagulation.
  • vitamin C. Vitamin C, also referred to as ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant that is crucial for the immune system and skin health.
  • Manganese. The proper metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and amino acids depends on this necessary mineral Copper, vitamin B6, and vitamin E are also present in trace amounts in blueberries.

Plant Compounds

Antioxidants and advantageous plant components, such as the following, are abundant in Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries:

  • Anthocyanins. Blueberries get their color from these antioxidants, which also lower your chance of heart disease.
  • Quercetin. Elevated consumption of this flavonoid has been associated with lowered blood pressure and a decreased risk of cardiac problems.
  • Myricetin. This flavonol may help prevent diabetes and cancer, among other health benefits.
Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries

Health Benefits

Your heart, brain, and blood sugar may all benefit from eating blueberries.

Heart Health

Globally, heart disease is the primary cause of death.

Berries, or foods high in flavonoids, have been linked in studies to better heart health.

Blueberries may be especially beneficial to those who have high blood pressure, which is a key risk factor for heart disease, according to some research.

These berries may also prevent LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidizing, which is a vital stage in the development of heart disease.

An increased consumption of anthocyanins was associated with a 32% decreased incidence of heart attacks, according to an observational study involving 93,600 nurses.

Brain Health

Age-related illnesses and disorders will rise globally along with those who are aged 65 and older.

It’s interesting to note that eating more foods strong in flavonoids, like blueberries, has been linked to improved brain performance.

Consuming blueberries has the potential to mitigate oxidative stress, a significant factor in the aging process.

These berries may also directly enhance brain function. In a 12-week trial, nine older persons with early memory deterioration showed enhanced cognition after consuming blueberry juice daily.

Strawberries and blueberries were associated with delays in brain aging of up to 2.5 years in another six-year study of older persons.

Blood Sugar Control

Globally, type 2 diabetes is becoming more and more common.

Individuals with diabetes should exercise caution when consuming high-carb diets since they are susceptible to abrupt fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

A cup of blueberries has 15 grams of sugar, which is a modest quantity.

They don’t, however, negatively affect blood sugar levels, which may be because they contain a lot of bioactive chemicals.

Studies conducted in test tubes indicate that blueberries’ anthocyanins may help regulate blood sugar.

Promising outcomes have also been observed in human investigations.


Not much preparation is needed with blueberries. Simply wash and eat them uncooked. These are delicious as a snack, or you can include them in smoothies, baked goods, desserts, jams, syrups, and compote.

Keep the berries unwashed, place them on a baking sheet, and freeze the baking sheet until the berries are solidly frozen. After they’re frozen, move the berries into freezer-safe plastic bags. Always wash them before consuming.

Nutrition Half Cup Blueberries

The Bottom Line

Blueberries are a popular, delicious fruit

In addition to being a good source of manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin K1, they also contain various other advantageous plant components, such as anthocyanins.

Regular blueberry consumption may help control blood sugar, enhance brain function, and avoid heart disease.

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